Friday, January 15, 2021

The Labyrinth


In the labyrinth of my head

The giant maze of all my responsibilities

My brain on overload


I need to press forward

To stay ahead of my bills

To stay ahead of my life

Before the house of cards falls down


It’s like the game we played

On the first PC we owned

An IBM 286

Walking around a castle gathering treasures and fighting villains

With no end, no victory


So many twists and turns

Too many dead ends

And the fear of finding a monster around the corner

There are no good surprises here


I rush down the path

Many miles traveled

Just to find another wall

Turn around and go back the way I came

So much time wasted


A monster comes out of nowhere.

Emergency!  Panic!

Rush, rush, rush to another corridor

Completely lost in the chaos

Start again from square one


I need to find the map

The guide, the key

Until then I am trapped

Unable to escape


I tire easily, my eyes close.

I dream about being free

Away from the monsters and cold, thick walls



Until a monster roars me awake

Back into the darkness

I continue on, step by step

Trying to find the exit

Before the maze consumes my mind


Graham Crosby said...

Excellent! I love the metaphor of the game. It works really well. Sometimes what we really need in life is another corridor.

Erin Westphal said...

Thank you! In my case, there are too many right now. Being home and locked down has the “what if’s” churning through me, and I need to get organized and back on track. Now that I have a diagnosis and a plan, maybe it will work this time.

felinemusings said...

I had a friend with OCD abd I have seen the struggles up, close, abd personal. I can relate to everything you write here.

Erin Westphal said...

Wow, thanks so much. My writing is therapeutic in a lot of ways, so I’m never sure how my audience is understanding what I’m trying to convey. I’m very glad you see it.